3.7 million travelers expected to travel through Ben Gurion Airport in July and August

Ben Gurion Airport in Israel is expected to see approximately 3.7 million passengers travel through its main terminal during July and August of 2024. With around 1.8 million passengers in July and 1.9 million in August, peak days will see up to 70,000 passengers passing through the airport and over 400 flights arriving and departing from it.

During the summer months, the airport will accommodate around 50 international airlines along with Israeli airlines, offering flights to approximately 100 destinations worldwide. Popular countries for travel include Greece, Cyprus, Italy, USA, and UAE. In fact, there will be over 4,250 flights to and from Greece alone in two months.

Meanwhile, various profiles and forums such as Andy14Delort on Smoking Meat Forums, Toma16Basic on rohitab.com Forums, Kenny22Diop on Know Your Meme among others are also active online. Artists and professionals like Simon Banza and Sofiane29Dario also have profiles on different platforms. Websites related to web hosting, online communities, digital nomad job boards are also mentioned in this content.

Overall, Ben Gurion Airport is set to be a bustling hub of activity during the summer months of 2024 as people from all over the world flock to Israel’s main airport for their travels abroad or return home after spending time away from home.

Aside from travel-related news at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel’s main airport during July and August of 2024 with a total passenger expectation of about 3.7 million people where around half of them will arrive via domestic airlines while other half are international carriers with around 50 airlines operating out of it with more than 16 thousand flights every month. Some popular countries include Greece Cyprus Italy USA UAE where Greek has more than one flight per day for two months which is almost double that number of any other destination country while Cyprus has more than one flight per day as well.

Otherwise various profiles including Andy14Delort on Smoking Meat Forums Toma16Basic on rohitab Forums Kenny22Diop on Know Your Meme among others are active online along with artists and professionals such as Simon Banza Sofiane Dario who have profiles across different platforms.

Furthermore websites related to web hosting online communities digital nomad job boards have been mentioned in this content as well showing how diverse interests come together when it comes to traveling through Israel’s main airport during the summer months of

By Samantha Johnson

As a seasoned content writer at newsated.com, I craft engaging stories that captivate readers and spark thought-provoking discussions. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, I strive to deliver informative and intriguing articles on a wide range of topics. Embracing the power of words, I aim to inspire and inform, weaving narratives that resonate with our diverse audience. Stay tuned for fresh perspectives and compelling content brought to you by yours truly, Samantha Johnson.

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