Boy sustains critical burns after fishing rod becomes entangled in high voltage electricity

On July 3, Dr. Dao Ngoc Viet, Head of the Emergency Department at Tuyen Quang General Hospital, updated the public on a child who was being treated for severe burns. The child received fluid replacement, anti-shock drugs, pain relievers, and antibiotics and was in serious condition. After consultation with medical experts, the doctor decided to transfer the child to Hanoi for intensive burn treatment.

While treating this child, doctors emphasized the importance of caution when working or moving in areas with power grids, especially during rainy and humid weather near power stations, high-voltage power lines or when repairing power grids. Electric shocks are a significant risk in these situations and require immediate action to save lives.

In case of an electric shock victim, it is crucial to act quickly and safely to assist the victim. First aid providers should avoid direct contact with the victim and focus on disconnecting the power source immediately. Do not attempt to free the victim from a high-voltage wire but wait for professional assistance instead. When providing first aid to an electric shock victim, ensure your own safety by standing on a dry insulating surface and using insulated gloves or a dry cloth to handle the victim. Move them to a well-ventilated area away from the power source and seek medical attention promptly.

In conclusion, it is vital to prioritize safety and follow proper procedures when dealing with electrical accidents. Prompt response and appropriate action can make a significant difference in saving lives in emergency situations involving electric shocks.

It is important to stay informed about electrical hazards and be prepared to act swiftly in emergency situations involving electric shocks. By following proper procedures and taking necessary precautions, we can prevent further harm and save lives in cases of electric shocks.

By Samantha Johnson

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