The EU in Crisis: Lack of Leadership in Europe’s Politics

The European Union (EU) faces significant challenges, and it cannot rely on support from key capitals like Berlin and Paris. While both countries have their reasons for focusing on domestic matters, their lack of ambition for a leadership role in Europe is concerning.

In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel has long been seen as a strong leader on the global stage, but her focus on domestic issues may hinder her effectiveness in the years to come. Meanwhile, French President Emmanuel Macron was aiming for a leadership role in Europe but now faces domestic issues that could limit his ability to achieve that goal.

Without strong initiatives from these key capitals, the EU may struggle to adapt to the rapidly changing global landscape. The US, China, and Russia are all challenging Europe in various ways, emphasizing the need for a coordinated European response. Nationalistic approaches may lead to short-term gains but could ultimately harm the EU as a whole.

The EU needs a more united approach to foreign and security policy than ever before. While member states are hesitant to cede sovereignty in this area, coordinated efforts and joint action can enhance the EU’s role in global geopolitics. The upcoming EU leadership team, including Ursula von der Leyen and Kaja Kallas, shows promise in pursuing European interests and values against external threats.

However, true leadership must come from the member states themselves, particularly larger countries like Germany and France. A geopolitical shift towards a more assertive and unified European stance is crucial if the EU wants to effectively position itself as a key player in global affairs.

It is clear that without strong political will and cooperation from key capitals like Berlin and Paris, the EU will face significant challenges in navigating the complex global landscape ahead of us.

By Samantha Johnson

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