Questioning the Science: Monitoring the Biden Administration’s Covid-19 Response

A House Judiciary Subcommittee hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. ET. The hearing will focus on the Biden Administration’s actions in pressuring the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to expedite the approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and boosters by lowering agency standards. The subcommittee will examine the potential injuries among young, healthy Americans who were mandated to use the vaccine as a result of its approval.

The witnesses invited to testify include Dr. Philip Krause, a former Deputy Director of the FDA Office of Vaccines Research & Review, Aaron Siri, a vaccine litigation expert, Dr. Jordan Vaughn of Birmingham, Founder and President of the Microvascular Research Foundation, and Dr. Andrew Tobias Pavia of the University of Utah School of Medicine. Each witness will provide testimony based on their expertise and experiences related to the oversight of the Biden administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The subcommittee is concerned about reforms needed in the administrative state to ensure accountability within agencies, especially in regards to vaccine approval processes. They believe that these reforms are necessary to prevent future instances where public health may be compromised by political considerations.

In summary, this hearing will provide an opportunity for Congress to examine the need for changes in administrative state oversight and accountability in regards to vaccine approval processes. The witnesses invited will provide insights into this important issue based on their expertise and experiences related to this topic.

By Samantha Johnson

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