Health for All Film Festival held at Balexert, Geneva, Switzerland: Promoting the right to health

On Friday, April 19 at 10:30 a.m., Pathé Balexert will host a screening of 8 short films that cover important social issues. The event will take place in the shopping center and will last for 1 hour and 30 minutes. The films will be accompanied by two 25-minute screenings and two 15-20 minute discussions.

The topics covered by the films include the reception of migrants at Geneva Hospital, urban health management in Vernier and other Swiss towns, and access to HIV treatment for transgender individuals during the COVID pandemic. These films are meant to be poignant and inspiring, highlighting important social issues.

The discussions during the event will focus on the right to health, which is the theme of the campaign launched by the World Health Organization for World Health Day on April 7. The topics discussed will align with the WHO Film Festival’s special awards, specifically addressing social issues for migrants, gender equality, and access to care for vulnerable populations. Health and social issue students are encouraged to participate in the discussions with healthcare professionals and WHO experts.

The screening is free and open to all residents of Geneva and the surrounding areas, as well as users of the Balexert shopping center. Those interested in attending can register in advance through the provided link. It is requested that reservations be made only by those who are certain they will attend, as availability at the screening will be on a first come, first served basis for those without reservations.

By Samantha Johnson

As a seasoned content writer at, I craft engaging stories that captivate readers and spark thought-provoking discussions. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, I strive to deliver informative and intriguing articles on a wide range of topics. Embracing the power of words, I aim to inspire and inform, weaving narratives that resonate with our diverse audience. Stay tuned for fresh perspectives and compelling content brought to you by yours truly, Samantha Johnson.

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