Muslim candidates in British elections manipulate the war in Gaza for their own gain

In the upcoming elections in the UK, a group of pro-Palestinian candidates are aiming to mobilize the Muslim vote. This group seeks to leverage the dissatisfaction of both major parties, the Conservatives and Labor, with regards to the war in Gaza. While it is unlikely that many pro-Palestinian candidates running as independents or from non-mainstream parties will be elected to parliament, their message is clear: the situation in Gaza is not just a political debate but a debate about human rights.

Shanaz Sadiq, who is running for Member of Parliament for Oldham East and Sadleworth, is aligned with this message. She asserts that her party is not apologizing for being a Gaza party. The Muslim Voice campaign is urging voters to support pro-Palestinian candidates from smaller parties, including the left-wing Workers’ Party, led by George Galloway. Independent candidates running on a pro-Palestinian platform have increased in number compared to the previous election in 2019, particularly in areas with large Muslim populations.

This growing discontent among Muslim voters could impact Keir Starmer’s Labor Party, which has historically relied on the support of minority groups but faces criticism for its response to the Gaza conflict. A recent poll found that a significant portion of Muslims consider the conflict in Gaza a crucial issue and would be open to supporting independent candidates who prioritize this issue. Some voters like Poppy Youssef from Oldham are considering voting for independents this year due to perceived lack of alignment with their conscience from major parties. This shift in voter sentiment has the potential to influence the outcome of the upcoming elections.

The Muslim Voice campaign emphasizes that it’s not just about politics but about human rights and it’s calling upon voters to support pro-Palestinian candidates from smaller parties including George Galloway’s Workers’ Party and independent candidates running on a pro-Palestinian platform have increased compared to previous elections.

Overall, while it may seem like an uphill battle for these pro-Palestinian candidates, their message is resonating with many Muslims who feel frustrated by both major parties’ approach towards Palestine issue.

Shanaz Sadiq believes that her party aligns with this campaign and urges voters not to apologize for being part of what they believe in.

As we approach election day, it will be interesting to see how much impact these campaigns will have on voters’ decisions and ultimately on

By Samantha Johnson

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