France’s Business Envoy Believes Brexit Moment Can Be Avoided

The recent European Parliament elections and snap election called by President Emmanuel Macron have brought to light the growing influence of extreme political parties in France. In particular, the hard-right National Rally (RN) has emerged as a dominant force, advocating for “national preference” for French citizens in various areas. Meanwhile, parts of the left-wing New Popular Front alliance have also displayed a Eurosceptic agenda, raising concerns about France’s future in the EU and the possibility of a “Frexit”.

As someone who has witnessed firsthand the importance of political and economic stability in fostering innovation and growth, I can attest to how these developments have affected France’s attractiveness to foreign investors. After being hired by Steve Jobs in 2000, I served as Apple’s General Manager and Vice-President for Europe, living in London for over 13 years. During that time, I saw the economic momentum shift from London to Paris due to Brexit and the election of President Macron. When I was appointed as France’s Ambassador for International Investments in 2017 and began chairing Business France, I observed how these changes impacted the country’s ability to attract foreign investment.

In my role as ambassador, I have seen firsthand how important it is for countries to maintain political stability and foster a positive economic environment if they want to attract foreign investment. This requires not only strong leadership but also effective communication with investors about what makes a country an attractive place to do business. As such, it is crucial that leaders like President Macron take steps to address concerns about extremism and ensure that their policies are designed to promote growth and prosperity for all citizens.

By Samantha Johnson

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