Experts reveal the risks of cold water therapy

Since 2015, there have been 11 deaths associated with individuals attempting Wim Hof’s methods or similar practices. Both aspects of Hof’s plan, cold water exposure and breathing exercises, carry heightened risks when combined. Experts worldwide have tried to determine the benefits and dangers of these techniques.

Wim Hof, known for his extreme cold exposure practices like swimming in frozen lakes and ice baths, claims that these activities improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and aid weight loss. These claims have led to ice baths gaining popularity among celebrities like Russell Brand, Ronaldo, Madonna, and Lizzo. However, immersing in water below 15 degrees Celsius without proper preparation can lead to severe or even fatal consequences due to the phenomenon known as “cold water shock.”

When the body is suddenly exposed to cold water, it goes through intense involuntary reactions such as hyperventilation and a surge in heart rate. These responses increase the risk of drowning and cardiac arrest, especially in individuals with heart conditions. Even healthy individuals have a 1-3 percent chance of experiencing irregular heart rhythms from this shock. Continued exposure to cold water can lead to hypothermia, muscle weakness, confusion

By Samantha Johnson

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