Factors that increase the risk of bladder cancer

Bladder cancer is a common type of urinary system cancer, with second only to prostate cancer. Several factors can increase the likelihood of developing bladder cancer, including smoking, exposure to chemicals, inflammation, drug abuse, family history, race, age and obesity.

Smoking is the most significant risk factor for bladder cancer. Both active and passive smoking can contribute to the development of this disease. Exposure to fragrant chemicals and living in polluted water environments can also increase the chances of getting bladder cancer. Additionally, people with a family history of bladder cancer, those over 55 years old, chronic urinary tract infections and obese individuals are at a higher risk for bladder cancer.

Male gender has been linked to a higher rate of bladder cancer than women. Moreover, people who have had treatment for pelvic cancer with drugs or radiation are at an increased risk of developing bladder cancer later on. The most common symptom of bladder cancer is hematuria which refers to blood in the urine. It’s crucial that individuals with persistent hematuria seek medical attention promptly for proper diagnosis and treatment.

To lower their risk of developing bladder cancer, people should avoid smoking and using e-cigarettes altogether. Drinking enough water and eating healthy foods are also essential preventive measures. Limiting exposure to chemicals as much as possible can also play a critical role in reducing one’s chance of getting this disease. By following these recommendations carefully, individuals can take steps towards protecting themselves from the development of bladder cancer.

By Samantha Johnson

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